What is an Ventilation Tube?
Ventilation Tubes are small, cylindrical tubes with a canal (lumen) in the middle and inserted into a hole opened in the eardrum by an ENT specialist. They allow the passage of air into the middle ear. They are made of various materials (such as metal, plastic, Teflon).
Who needs to use a ventilation tube?
In recurrent middle ear infections
Middle ear fluids that do not heal on their own or with medication
In eardrum collapses
Pressure traumas during flight or diving
In patients with Down Syndrome, cleft palate, where the eardrum or Eustachian tube is not properly grow
How is the tube placed in the eardrum?
Working with a microscope, the external ear canal is entered and the eardrum is scratched. This process is called paracentesis. The fluid in the middle ear is drawn out from the scratched area in the eardrum. The tube is placed on the scratched place in the membrane, using special tools, with one end in the outer ear and the other in the middle ear. There is no visible change in the patient's ear. Adenoid, which plays an important role in this problem in pediatric patients, is also removed.
Is the surgery performed with general anesthesia?
General anesthesia is used in pediatric patients. In adult patients, the procedure can be performed with local anesthesia.
What are the Benefits of put on a Ventilation Tube?
ventilation tube,
- Significantly reduces the risk of re-infecting the middle ear,
- Eliminates hearing loss due to fluid accumulating in the middle ear,
-heals speech and balance problems caused by otitis media,
-Improves sleep problems caused by otitis media.
How long does the tube stay in the ear?
This is related to the type of tube put on. In a patient who has a tube put on in his ear for the first time, short-term tubes are usually chosen. They stay on average for 6-9 months and are excreted by the body. Generally, in the control examination, it is seen that the tube is thrown into the external ear canal and the tube is taken by the physician. If the tube cannot be removed by itself and has been in place for more than 1 year, if the patient is a child, a light anesthetic gas can be sniffed and removed by the physician. In repetitive tube applications, long-term tubes called T-tubes can be used and these tubes cannot be easily disposed of by the body under normal conditions, the period prescribed by the physician, usually 1 year, remains in the ear and is removed by the physician.
What should be considered after the tube is put on?
Liquid contact should be avoided after the tube is placed. The best way for this is to use disposable vaseline cottons that can be used in every wash. On the other hand, if the ear becomes inflamed and starts to flow, a doctor should be consulted immediately. The infection can usually be controlled with antibiotics and some drops.
A tube was inserted into my child's ear and his adenoid was removed. Now the tube has fallen off. Could it be a need to re-tube?
Removing the adenoid, which plays an important role in middle ear problems, will reduce the possibility of fluid accumulation in the ear. Again, as mentioned above, with time, the Eustachian tube reaches its adult angle at the age of 7 years. As a result, although the majority of children who have adenoids removed and a tube inserted in their ears do not need to be re-tubed, some of them may recur. It is important to identify these patients.
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Tonsils are organs located on both sides of our throat. The tonsils catch bacteria
Ear; It is examined in 3 parts as outer, tympanum and inner ear. At